Looking for new solutions for regional policy? Look no further! 2000+ institutions have already exchanged experiences through interregional cooperation. You can learn from other cities and regions and their tried-and-tested solutions. The Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform is launching an expert-validated Good Practice Database. Visit our show-case corner, learn more and get inspired at #EURegionsWeek!

  • Meet our experts, explore the online database and see if the expert-validated solutions could work also in your region;
  • Discover good practices from 30 European countries on: research & innovation, SME competitiveness, low-carbon economy, and environment & resource efficiency;
  • Pitch your good practice in our storytelling studio.

This session will take place during the European Week of Regions and Cities 2017 (#EURegionsWeek). You can attend only if you have registered to #EURegionsWeek. Register now

More information

European Week of Regions and Cities on social media

We look forward to seeing you in Brussels during the European Week of Regions and Cities!