To mark the 30th anniversary of Interreg, the European Commission and Interact organise an Interreg 30 years Project Slam during the European Week of Regions and Cities (10-15 October, Brussels).

In this special edition of the Interreg Project Slam, six projects will share their story on stage in front of an audience of more than 200 people, including the top EU politicians and peers from regions all across Europe.

Your project on stage?

If you think your project deserves a moment in the spotlight, here is your route to the stage:

  1. Submit your story. Follow the guidance here and send the story to us by 22 April. 
  2. The joint secretariat will select stories from Interreg Europe projects and submit them to the Project Slam by 25 April.
  3. An Interreg jury will shortlist 30 stories for further development by 1 May.
  4. The shortlisted candidates will be asked to support their story with a 2-minute video by 22 May (training and instructions will be provided).
  5. From the shortlist, six finalists will be selected by 1 June.
  6. The finalist will put their stories on stage in a live performance during a special session during the European Week of Regions and Cities in October in Brussels.

The finalists will get personal coaching and communication training to prepare the final performances. In addition to the live performance, their videos will be promoted in a social media contest (last year more than 100.000 people voted for the best projects).

Who can participate?

The Interreg 30 years Project Slam is open to all Interreg programmes. Interreg Europe projects can express interest by sending their story to the joint secretariat (one story per project).

The stories must be linked to one of the three #Interreg30 themes:

  • We all have a neighbour
  • Youth
  • Greener Europe

More information about the Project Slam is available here.

Why participate? Visibility, training, and a lot of fun

The Project Slam is an experience. Not only for the audience, but also for the contestants. It is an excellent opportunity to promote your project at the European level, meet people from other projects, and learn a lot in the process.

In 2018, Interreg Europe project RaiSE participated and won an award for the final on-stage performance. In the words of the project manager, Paula Santarén (ACCIÓ), who was also the star of the show:

"The Project Slam is a storytelling contest in which you learn from the beginning: you prepare your script and you rehearse with the assessment of communication experts. I definitely recommend it to improve your communication skills & have fun in the process."

Watch the short video below to hear more about Paula's Project Slam experience and why it is worth participating:

Are you curious to see the full performance? Watch the recording here.

What do you think? Would it be your turn to take the floor this year? Work on your story and share it with us by 22 April. Let’s show why cooperation matters and what makes interregional cooperation special!