New opportunities for a well-connected Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
On 28 July 2021, WITENO met with regional stakeholders working on digitalisation in sectors such as health, game sports, programming, media and telecommunications to discuss about the opportunities offered by digitalisation aiming at increasing the attractiveness of the territory.
Stakeholders were asked about their needs for services or networking, which would be most useful in their everyday business. From the discussion, it emerged the necessity of a strong, connected digital sector in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (MV), creating own regional pilots and successes, to make the region attractive to start-ups, entrepreneurs or creative people from nearby metropoles and beyond.
While the brand “Digital MV” is uniting digital actors all across MV, WITENO as Digital Innovation Center (DIC) is acting as contact point and mediator between regional stakeholders and the state-wide brand “Digital MV”.
Discussing the Next2Met-partners’ good practices, the stakeholders identified regional opportunities for a well-connected and successful MV and expressed their interest for a close cooperation within Next2Met and the wish for participation in further exchange. The points raised during this meeting will be taken into consideration when developing the MV Action Plan within the Next2Met-project.
Stay tuned and follow us for further info about the development of MV Action Plan!