The Mölnlycke Community is located outside Gothenburg with rail. Aim is to create sustainable denser development with supporting public transport.
A 2013 study analysing the situation introduced urban qualities as part of the development strategies. The strategies projected the effect a larger population, due to densification, would have on the number and diversity of urban services, and how accessibility to green areas could be enhanced. Development within 1 km from the station, as regulated in local detailed plans, should follow the incentives made in the Local Master Plan. Areas outside of 1 km from the station should only be developed if public transport is present. The aim was, by developing a dense society, a better support for public transport would be created.
By using a vision for how the community should ideally be developed, the municipality has used different analyses and policy recommendations to realise a now thriving urban station community.
Mölnlycke has been described as a success story in the Gothenburg region. Most notably, the case can be construed as an example of how “pull” factors (attraction) can be leveraged through long-term, consistent planning. Local politicians and planners have been confident that the area will be an attractive place for people to live in and for developers to build in. Thus, they have not found it necessary to introduce ”push” (don’t develop here) factors, which might have jeopardised the steady long-term growth.

Resources needed

Creating a clear political ambition was nudged by using some external expertise. This gave the planners a long-term strategy to follow.

Evidence of success

The practice is considered good as the area has a constant positive population increase, based on long term planning.

Difficulties encountered

One possible difficulty would be if the Municipality would increase urban sprawl due to ease of development. This would then cause an increase in traffic and not add to the positive liveability situation in the centre now created.

Potential for learning or transfer

By developing station communities, as transit nodes, with an increase of inhabitants and workers, a more sustainable mobility by public transport can be realised. Higher number of people choosing public transport will produce benefits in terms of less congestion in regional centres, less CO2 emissions and more cost-efficient mobility.
Main institution
Harryda Municipality
Mellersta Norrland, Sweden (Sverige)
Start Date
January 2013
End Date


Per Kristersson Please login to contact the author.

Good Practices being followed by

Janez Nared