ART 4 SENIOR INCLUSIVE is an iniciative to use Art and Psycology to regain life quality through criativity, in a vulnerable group as the dependant SILVERS.
Acting in the frame of an old industrial and rural region, Fundação Castro Alves was funded to promote the teaching of Arts and Music, among the workers of Famalicão region. In this area, as in the whole of Portugal, demographic ageing is dramatic. As a result, the natural decline of individual capabilities, isolation, inactivity and self-devaluation, are no longer just individual difficulties to become a social reality.
Fundação Castro Alves embraced the mission of helping this class of former factory workers, through the creation of a network which will help through medical, physical psychological and socio-environmental interventions, thus helping to prevent diseases and inabilities, maximizing well-being and quality of life of seniors even if dependents.
Focused in Ceramics and Ceramic paintings, aiming cognitive, emotional, social and motor stimulation, the project proved to be an effective factor for increasing motor acceleration through the manipulation of objects, cognitive stimulator through the creation of new ceramic pieces, thus incrementing imagination. So, through the promotion of Arts and Culture, ART 4 SENIOR INCLUSIVE project improves social inclusion, improves the well-being of seniors, and operates in the SILVER ecosystem, in order to create a more inclusive community. The project based on a partnership with Famalicão Municipality operates in the nursery homes of the whole county. Main stakeholders are Famalicao Municipality, and Fundação Castro Alves.
Resources needed
45.000,00€ to operate the project within the whole network. One psychologist, specialist in the use of Art in gerontology, and the ageing process, three ceramic professionals.
Evidence of success
Since the beginning of the project, Fundação Castro Alves developed activities with 21 nursing homes, from the social sector, and 19 parishes. It involved 6 ateliers per institution, an average of 126 activities per year, and involved more than 400 seniors. The fact that Fundação Castro Alves just signed an agreement to extend the porject to the neighour county of Guimarães shows clearly how sucessfull the project has been.
Difficulties encountered
The need of having SILVER people understanding that this is about Art, and how everybody can be an artist, even if not necessarily a "great artist". The feeling of fullfilment had to be reached by the participants in order to have some resistance overcome.
Potential for learning or transfer
A professional gerontological and phycological approach to Art was the key element to the success of this project.
Another essencial issue was networking with SILVER Segment institutions and parishes (this last ones also very important in the region SILVER segment). Networking was crucial to have sustainability and gain an impact at NUT III level.
Tags: Art, Silver economy, Vulnerable groups