E‐Kermed is a regional portal for telemedicine service offers in Bretagne for Health professionals (teleconsultation/teleexpertise).
As of January 2020, 21 offers have been published by 11 hospitals and one private GP office since the start in February 2019. Bretagne is the first French region offering such a service.
Some barriers as regards telemedicine:
‐ There are more institutions and private professionnals
practising telemedicine in the region but they may not be willing to
be displayed on E‐Kermed, for they fear not being able to answer
additional requests.
‐ Reimbursement schemes are unknown: not all physicians
know that teleexpertise can be reimbursed since February 2019;
and private pharmacists and nurses are not aware that they can get
reimbursed to assist a patient in teleconsultation with a physician.
‐ Not enough training in telemedicine (GCS e‐santé is offering
training in nurse schools and training sessions have been set up at
the Saint Helier clinic).

E‐Kermed is made up of several services:
‐ Support to healthcare professionals who want to set up a
telemedicine offer (project management support, hardware
and software choice, legal issues advice…)
‐ Directory of telemedicine services available
‐ Secure visioconference with online payment
‐ Secure e‐messaging for the daily practise of health

Pôle St Hélier clinic has successfully developed the use of telemedecine tools since 2013.

Resources needed

300 000 euros over 3 years
+100 000 euros : e-learning plateform (at Pôle St Hélier clinic)

Evidence of success

Results :
1. Added value for patients:
-Time saving
-Improvement of access to health policy
-Use of teleconsultation very useful for family planning centers
- Accessibility to the service
- Confidentiality
2. Added value for professionals :
-Easy programming
-Interest for the professional to see the patient in his environment
-Quality after-sales service

At Pôle St Hélier clinic : Begins in 2013- 611 telemedicine acts (2014-2017). 10 000 Km avoided in transport per year.

Potential for learning or transfer

In the context of Covid crisis, telemedecine offer was expanded in Brittany's hospitals and clinics enabling its use in various fields (telemedicine for chronic wounds follow‐up at Pôle Saint Hélier clinic, then expanded to other specialities) - Pôle St Hélier has notably developed some international collaboration with Québec, Canada and european countries. Its expertise could be transferred to other EU Regions.
Main institution
GCS e-Santé, Health Regional Agency (ARS) & Pôle St Hélier clinic
Bretagne, France
Start Date
February 2019
End Date


Adeline Jacob Please login to contact the author.