Development of a novel rehabilitation paradigm based on an ICT upper-limb rehabilitation system.
RehabNet is a highly interdisciplinary project that addressed several research areas including clinical research, robotics, Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and neurofeedback / neuroscience. RehabNet proposed to develop a novel rehabilitation paradigm, based on low cost technology that can deliver motor rehabilitation for all patients, anywhere they are. An ICT based novel upper-limb rehabilitation system allowed not only to effectively train motor function, but to monitor and collect extensive synchronized brain activity and behavioural data on patient performance during the recovery process. This unique system provided extremely valuable data that allowed to propose a generalization of it to a neurofeedback paradigm that can eventually be used by all stroke patients, either at home or in the clinic. Through different interaction interfaces, RehabNet is accessible to a wide range of patients. Via a user-centred design strategy, it created computational models for the automatic generation of cognitive rehabilitation content precisely adjusted to each patient. Finally, it combined Virtual Reality (VR) with a gaming approach to allow patients to be active agents in the rehabilitation process by providing a controlled and motivating intensive training targeted to their motor and cognitive deficits.

Resources needed

A computer with a 3D accelerator a Head Mounted Display (€1000), a Brain Computer Interface (€20000) and a custom made haptic feedback system (€100), specific training with the rehabilitation professionals (physicians and therapists)
Budget - 100.000 EUR

Evidence of success

The Reh@City system has been tested and validated (training through virtual reality simulations of activities of daily living), clinical trials for the NeuRow system are still taking place. The impact of using the system with people who suffered strokes, was assessed, and results were positive. Obtained an International Society for Virtual Rehabilitation's Early Career Investigator Award, announced at the International Conference on Disability Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies in L. A.

Difficulties encountered

Low acceptance by the clinical and patient community
Mitigated through training and information

Potential for learning or transfer

It is an innovation applied to healthcare addressing a social issue and contributing towards strategies to make the public health systems more sustainable and effective transferable? – innovation, impact, financial, legal, and timeframe aspects .
Lack of competitiveness to address investors interests and get investors to intervene in other areas and geographies.
Main institution
IDE – Institute for the Development of Enterprise in Madeira
Região Autónoma da Madeira, Portugal
Start Date
January 2016
End Date


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