The past year has been difficult for many of us across Europe due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But despite the limitations and adaptations we had to face, the Policy Learning Platform continued to provide you with the latest policy updates, developments and recommendations. 

We have put together the most popular articles, policy briefs and webinars of 2020 in #policylearning for you. It should be no surprise that the COVID-19 topics made the list multiple times:

1. [Article] COVID-19: territorial and economic impacts on European Regions

The economic impacts of COVID-19 are likely going to be long-lasting and will require regional policymakers to experiment with new policy tools to respond to emerging and urgent policy challenges, making interregional collaboration essential in these turbulent times. 

2. [Article] European Green Deal: The Essentials

The year of 2020 was marked by the European Green Deal and 2021 will consist of continuous efforts to reach the objective of Europe becoming the first carbon-neutral continent by 2050. 

3. [Online discussion] Digital technologies and museums: post-pandemic experiences

Museums have no doubt had a difficult year due to the pandemic. Digital technologies can be used by museums to sustain during the pandemic. Discover experiences from across Europe that can be transferred across regions to ensure sustainability.

Featuring: CHRISTA, CD-ETA and CHERISH projects

4. [Policy brief] University-Industry collaboration

University-industry collaboration is a key component of the regional innovation policy-mix as the successful exploitation of research and development results is fundamental for regional competitiveness.

Featuring: InnoBridge, S34Growth, Beyond EDP, S3Chem, INKREASE, NICHE, ecoRIS3, Agri Renaissance, InnoHEIs and HIGHER projects

5. [Article] The European Green Deal and COVID-19, implications for research and innovation

Research and innovation plays a vital role in the European Green Deal to create a clean and circular economy. Discover how the Green Deal and COVID-19 affect the focus for research and innovation. 

6. [Webinar] Biogas from organic waste

Biogas from organic waste allows an increased renewable energy production which helps meet EU targets and foster local employment and tax revenues. This webinar demonstrates experiences from across Europe. 


7. [Article] COVID-19: The impact of the pandemic on the waste sector

In this interview, the Policy Learning Platform Thematic Expert of Environment and resource efficiency, Astrid Severin, spoke to Paolo Marengo, Program Manager at ACR+, about the impact of COVID-19 on waste collection and management

8. [Policy brief] Boosting entrepreneurship in rural areas

Boosting entrepreneurship in rural areas opens new opportunities and markets. Rural SMEs show great potential as a source of economic growth and innovation. Discover challenges and recommendations in the policy brief. 

Featuring: SOCENT SPAs, Rural SMEs, SKILLS+, INNOGROW, SARURE, RuralGrowth, GROW RUP, P-IRIS and RATIO projects

9. [Article] Making Public Transport safe in times of COVID-19

COVID-19 has affected how we travel, not only airplanes are staying grounded but we are changing our habits when it comes to public transport. This article outlines how public transport can be adjusted to the pandemic's situation

10. [Webinar] Mission-oriented innovation policies

Mission-oriented innovation policies are known for their ambitious objective to foster disruptive and breakthrough innovations. The concept will be one of the most important concepts in the next programming period 2021-2027, namely through the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe. 

Featuring: INNOTRANS and MARIE projects

If you have a particular interest in a topic that you want to learn more about in 2021, get in contact with us through the policy helpdesk.

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Image credit: Photo by Polina Zimmerman from Pexels