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Welcome to the PROGRESS library!
Here you can find all audiovisual and written materials generated by our project on Good Practice for Ecosystem Services + Policy Making.
Spend some time in the library. Our aim is to help you in developing your own projects based on our practice. Use us as an example and keep this recomendation in mind: Do not wait 10 years, use what you have today and start considering ecosystem services in your policy & plan decisions!
And please, do contact us via social networks if you need any help with the library.
2nd Handbook of Good Practice: Ecosystems & Policy Support the horizontal integration of the ecosystem concerns into the sectoral policies and plans at regional and/or national level
ITW2 Zane Libete Forest Ecosystem Services Mapping and Assessment Methodology (mapping): Zane Libiete (Latvian State Forest Research Institute “Silava”)
ITW3 Stefan Esser Payment for Ecosystem Services in high-ecological-value and mature forests managed to free natural evolution Stefan Esser (Sèlvans Association, Catalonia)
ITW3 Janis Zvirgzdins Calculation of the effectiveness of greenhouse gas and ammonia reduction measures in farms - Janis Zvirgzdins (Riga Technical University, Latvia)
ITW3 Massimo Rovai 2) LIFE+ MAKING GOOD NATURA Project. A best practice for the development of governance models of the Natura 2000 Network - Massimo Rovai (University of Pisa, It
ITW3 Shane McGuinness 3) Assessing the financial needs of biodiversity in Ireland and filling the funding gap.
- Dr. Shane McGuinness (Univ. College Dublin, Landscape Finance Lab)
210607 PROGRESS at ESP Conference Tallin E.Doblas Presentation of PROGRESS at the 3rd ESP Europe Conference session "Forest Ecosystem Service Governance and Valuation-Towards a New Agenda"
ITW4_Massimo Rovai Rural-Urban Governance Arrangements and Planning Instruments: Community for Food and Agro-biodiversity - Massimo Rovai, Università di Pisa, Italy
ITW4_Annelies Broekman Innovation in governance for adaptation: examples from Catalonia. Annelies Broekman, Consultant on Water Management Policies, Citizen Participation and Social
ITW4_Ainhoa Gonzalez Environmental Sensitivity Mapping (ESM) Webtool to Support Strategic Environmental Assessment and Plan-making in Ireland - Ainhoa Gonzalez, University College
BID-REX: From biodiversity data to decisions
CPES - Channel Payment for Ecosystem Services
RENewable energy+Ecosystem Services in policy
Blue Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Cities
PROGRESS Newsletters
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PROGRESS Newsletter - Special issue Barcelona Shared learnings of the Action Plans and the views from policy and science representatives of the partners’ countries and the Interreg Europe Programme.
PROGRESS General Press Release (editable) Part of the MediaHub. General project presentation targeted to feature articles and releases. Regular updates, v3 - June 2022.