Now on-line, the 3rd of the PROGRESS video-series, dedicated to Red Faith, a Hungary – Croatia cross-border project testing innovative aerial tecnologies for forest ecosystem services survey. Red Faith worked with drones, aerial and satellite imagery to test and obtain quality forest data over large areas over thousands of hectares.
Red Faith was developed by Mecsekerdő, a Hungarian forest management company engaged as stakeholder of PROGRESS. According to company representatives, “Red Faith has shown new ways of contributing to preservation and protection of biodiversity in forest areas by supporting forest companies and other organizations responsible for managing habitats in detailed up-to-date monitoring with airborne imaging. As a specific objective it accelerates reactions to emerging hazards, protects/restores natural assets by enabling to select the most efficient interventions, improve knowledge of forest engineers, and raise awareness on forest values and set up CB <cross-border> cooperation of forest companies"
Red Faith was selected as a good practice for data management and participatory decision making in the second PROGRESS International Workshop at the beginning of 2021.
The PROGRESS video animation shows in an educational and practical manner the usefulness of Red Faith techniques to a general public. More detailed and technical information can be found at Red Faith webpage, and at PROGRESS Handbook 2. The webpage also includes an illustrated and detailed educational booklet for students, in storytelling format.
And now it is time to fly over the forest with Red Faith video!