As explained in this first news, the second part of the Barcelona event included three thematic panels on ecosystem services governance at the regional level:
- Pollination services.
- Mapping and territorial analysis of ecosystem services.
- Ecosystem services in urban environaments.
These are some statements captured by the session moderators, researchers from CREAF and Diputació de Barcelona, Dr. Anabel Sánchez, Dr. Carles Castell and Dr. Enrique Doblas, and by other contributions. You can find all details on the pannelists on the programme of the event.
1. Pollination Security Panel:
- Bridget Loughlin (IE) “In the end, the engine of change to make better for pollinators is the passion of the people implied. It is very hard to be passioned for something you don’t understand, thus we need education and action for passion. Simple actions showing that what is good for bumble bees is good for everyone”.
- Santiago Pérez (CAT) “Coordination between different policy departments (environment and agriculture) is crucial for successfully implement any action for pollinators”.
- Constantí Stefanescu (CAT) “Pollinators are valued by people as they are visible and connect to flowers and springtime, they are a flagship, an easy to understand example of what are ecosystem services”.
“Europe is now developing new tools and procedures to effectively monitor the evolution of pollinators. This is key to know what is really achieved and improved”. - Ferenc Réder (HU) “Managers need also education, instead of acting based on deadlines”.
2. Mapping of Ecosystem Services Panel, technical to policy:
- Anda Ruskule (LV) “Different territorial planning needs and levels ask for different uses of the same data. Data is not difficult to analyse, it is difficult to collect, and specially on ecosystem condition assessment, and some recent guidelines are useful for this".
- Daniele Mazzotta (IT) “There is a lot of interesting data already generated, but many times is not accessible. Often the problem is knowing what information we need".
- Magdalina Claudia (RO) “We need a flexible general framework, together with precise and clear evidence-based and scientifically-proof indicators to provide answers on impacts. As government funders we need clarity on the indicators for ecosystem services to be used in the monitoring systems for continuated improvement and change in policies when needed”.
- Gemma Weir (IRL): "Data is collected for different purposes, and you get together data of different sources and you need to understand its limitations. At local level the [map] lines are very important, as they are the base of decisions that will affect people and nature. There is a need to bridge between disciplines to educate and make understand data by decision-makers”; "Many European projects (ESMERALDA, MAES) give good examples of data structures to be applied in; if not standardised, we have harmonised methods, inputs and processes between European countries".
- Carles Castell: “When used, the information is essentially being used for (ex-post) evaluation of initiatives, rather than for analysis and planning (a priori). This is an impression as moderator on what the speakers were commenting.
3. City level actions Panel. Enhancing ecosystem services in cities and neighborhoods:
- Emese Décsi (HU) “[In Hegyvek District, Budapest] People are very interested in environmental issues, and emmotionally connected to the trees in their neighbourhood. Society wants to be engaged in the environmental care of their neighbourhood.”
- Marc Montlleó (CAT) “In environmental city planning, we are restricted by space and infrastructure. There is a fight for space for greenery, and needs to use small pocket gardens, roofs, walls or in parks over underground infrastructure like in the new [Barcelona] La Sagrera fast-train station”
“In Barcelona it is a challenge to preserve space for biodiversity while facilitating many social uses, permits allow to bring more balance”. - Mariona Ferrandiz (CAT) “Schools are key actors on city level nature-based actions as they can move and involve a lot of people; the increase of greenery can have more of a positive effect”
- Pádraig McEvoy (IE): "The [Eastern and Middland] regional assembly is not at the forefront of city-level action, but it is a door to European funding and projects, e.g. for local biodiversity plans".
"Community gardens can connect different generations over urban nature. They are an opportunity to reintegrate environmental participation in youth and other generations embedded in school system and community level. This can be promoted with nature friendly garden awards as e.g. in Budapest or Ireland. - Enrique Doblas (CAT): “Society needs to be engaged from the very beginning”.
This was the last live event of the PROGRESS project; the project still continues to July 2023 with a final newsletter and further news, like the policy briefs and the infographics presentations.
Keep following PROGRESS website, newsletter and social networks!