After the ICT meets the Arts event in Emilia-Romagna, ART-ER organized the off initiatives Digitalks: three online meet-ups to keep exploring the unthought-of interactions and opportunities that can arise from the encounter of ICT, science and arts.

These conversations, held on a monthly basis from October to December 2020, were hosted by curator Marco Mancuso and involved both actors from the regional innovation ecosystem and the most important Italian artists and designers working with new technologies and science applied to visual art, sound and the creation of immersive environments.

Each 'Digitalks' event foresaw two appointments: the first focused on the artist's perspective and the development strategies of a researcher or entrepreneur, discussing together alternative ways of innovating products, services or processes. The second deepened the artist's creative process and its relations with technologies.

Both ICT meets the arts and Digitalks could be planned and implemented also thanks to a strong collaboration and contribution of several territorial partners, which share similar visions and objectives. This cooperation started in the framework of the Local Stakeholder Group and widened to other regional players working at the intersection of cultural and creative sectors and new technologies.

The programme and the speakers of these events can be found here.