The representative of project partner Enter Koprivnica, Martina Mak held the third RegionArts Stakeholder Group Meeting (LSG) with their local stakeholder group in HAMAG-BICRO (Croatian Agency for SMEs, Innovations and Investments). Attendees on this meeting were from HAMAG- BICRO (Vjeran Vrbanec, Ante Janko Bobetko, Magdalena Dovečer, Marija Herceg, Maja Škoda), from Technology Innovation Centre Međimurje (Ivan Plačko, from Technology Park Varaždin Karlo Kukec) and from Zagreb Innovation Centre Tamara Didak.
RegionArts Partner - Enter - shared good practice examples from the other partners with the group. Stakeholders were interested to hear how other regions finance and support this kind of collaborations. And even though every country has specific needs and practices, some aspects of the good practices can be applied to Croatia, even if most programs that support collaboration between Arts & ICT mainly come from the artistic or cultural sector (thus the funding for that will come from the Ministry of Culture).
Mrs Martina and the stakeholders discussed all the information gathered in the previous EoE of Brussels. The speech of the representative of the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts, who attend the in EoE, was of vital interest for the stakeholders, since he presented the future program period and its potential calls in the CCI sector. The upcoming LSG activities of the project, including the creation of an Action Plan, its activities and consequent implementation, were presented to this group. To understand the potential outcomes and how to best improve the current policy in place, it is necessary to further discuss with this specific group the good practices presented. The next steps will include without a doubt a discussion concerning the policies in S3 specialisation, where creative industries can unveil the steps for tangible cooperation between the Arts and the ICT sector.