The investment, worth HRK 13.5 million, wholly financed by EU funds, is architecturally designed according to the best world examples and is in line with the needs of creative companies. Already with the opening of the Incubator, the demand for offices has exceeded all expectations and more space is required. All 15 independent offices have been filled and only flexible offices in the coworking space remain to be used.
World statistics say that those who invest in new technologies, in digitalization and the creative industries are creating economies that are emerging globally. For this reason, the Creative Industries Incubator is designed as a motivational space with state-of-the-art equipment (3D printer, hologram, gaming station, VR, conference room with state of the art communication equipment).
Enter Koprivnica d.o.o. works on digital technology, process, production and automation service programs within the Digital Innovation Hub project, as well as internationalization programs within the international EIS project, and will provide support to the companies in the Incubator in these segments. Emphasis will also be placed on food innovation events due to our region's orientation to the food industry. The ECOS4IN project also strengthens the capacities that will impact the development of Industry 4.0 by introducing digitization into production processes and operations. Currently, € 1.6 million worth of RegionArts is being implemented, which also fosters creative industries funded through the INTERREG EUROPE program in which Enter is a partner with partners from Portugal, Italy, Greece, Netherlands, Finland and Belgium. It is about creating action plans aimed at fostering collaboration between ICT companies and artists to create new innovative solutions through collaboration. Projects on which the Enter team participates as a partner also serve to create a network of entrepreneurial knowledge and competences and to strengthen capacity. The opening of the incubator was attended by many entrepreneurs, decision-makers, municipality representatives, University members, general public…
At the Creative Industries Incubator, the content will be created by transmission through communication technologies. Programs based on world best practices will also be launched to enable potential entrepreneurs to create growth and development models using technologies and knowledge in line with global trends to become globally competitive. A creative industry incubator is also a place where it is possible to develop and test a business idea, develop a business model and create the best possible model for success in selling services or products and has the role of knowledge transfer to SMEs and monitoring.
Emphasis will also be on digital technology, processes, production and automation programs, internationalization programs and food innovation events due to the region's focus on the food industry. The Enter team, which manages the Incubator is also strengthening the capacities that will influence the development of Industry 4.0 by introducing digitalization into production processes and operations. Very close to the Incubator is the University North, which completes the system of transfer knowledge and information.
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