The eighth Stakeholder Group organized by Politecnico di Torino was held online on September 8, 2022.

This meeting aimed to discuss together the trends highlighted by the mapping of Good Practices conducted in all partner regions and define proposals to improve the Piedmont policy tool.

An important contribution was provided during the meeting by the Piedmont Region, MESAP Pole and PROPLAST Pole.

Tiziana Dell'Olmo, representing the Managing Authority, emphasized how difficult it is to understand the impact of this project in the short term due to the inherent nature of policy transformations. In addition, it was pointed out that the nations resources linked to the NRP are a great stimulus to enable national initiatives toward the circular economy. The region expressed its intention to act, including at the regional level, to activate investments for initiatives on material recovery.

Serena Zerbinati and Fabrizio Fallarini, representing the MESAP Cluster, confirmed two trends:

- European funds intended to finance digital transition have specific targets on actions integrated with ecological one;

The need to provide energy consumption monitoring skills to employees of energy-hungry companies such as automotive and aerospace;

Marco Monti from Proplast pointed out that the strong legislative push toward a circular economy is the result of a bottom-up process by civil society.

The meeting was the opportunity to discuss the trend emerged among all partner regions and define 3 macro proposals for improving the policy instrument and build a policy roadmap for Piedmont.