Ljubljana, 25 September 2019 – The Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has carried out the final, sixth RETRACE stakeholders' group meeting, dedicated to present the results of the project with particular focus on the implementation of the action plan. Along with this main topic, our stakeholders presented activities related to the green presidency of Slovenia to the EU as well as activities within the SRIP Circular Economy. Initially, we presented the progress in achieving the measures set in the action plan. We found out that only measure 1 (Better coordination of legal frame when addressing waste and byproducts) is lagging behind goals since it is the toughest nut to be cracked while addressing the transition towards a circular economy. We committed ourselves to continuously work on these issues since it remains one of the main obstacles that hinder smoother and faster transition.
Nina Meglič from Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Štajerska presented the questionnaire about how SMEs see the transition towards a circular economy, which incentives they see as the most appropriate, what obstacles they see in this process and what the whole process means for their business as well as production models. In addition to this, she presented the framework for launching the green voucher for companies and the concept of the hackathon on the circular economy.
In the end, we discussed how the Slovenian Presidency to the EU could be green since the priorities are exactly this topic. We agreed that the first step is a coordinated action plan, while the second most important step is to well communicate it with those responsible for carrying it out.