Updates from Romania
The Romanian Action Plan aims to create an online support tool for university applicants submitting energy efficiecy projects within ROP 2021-2027
The S3UNICA project is the natural follow up of the Pilot Project “Smart Campus” selected by DG REGIO under the call for expression of interest for “Thematic Partnerships to pilot interregional innovation projects”, within the S3 Partnership on “Sustainable Buildings”.
S3UNICA brings together 5 countries to build more effective innovation policies and to support interregional cooperation.
The Smart Specialization University Campus project aims at emphasizing the role of Universities in regional innovation policies, by providing specialist research and technical expertise in the field of energy sustainable buildings and by offering campuses as a hands-on lab where to implement these innovative solutions.
Universities involved in the project can contribute to regional knowledge exchange and its translation into innovative energy products, solutions and public/private services.
Low-carbon economy
S3UNICA will be able to create a virtuos circle, indeed it promotes the symbiosis with regional territory and capitalize the experience of "Smart Campus" project to
Moreover, being S3 an ex-ante conditionality to access Cohesion Policy funds, this project will contribute to the foreseen “entrepreneurial discovery” process to influence regional policy, starting from University achievements and involving all the quadruple helix actors: S3UNICA can count on the involvement S3P Partnership on Sustainable Buildings, which currently includes 45 public administrations and the participation of different stakeholders from the industrial sector and civil society.
Based on the 20-20-20 Package on climate and energy the FVG REP is articulated on the following measures:
Thanks to interregional cooperation and exchange of experiences within the project, the selected energy Plan will be mainly improved through:
The main aim of the Priority Line 4d is to develop an energy infrastructure system that ensures quality of supply and use of autochthonous resources of Andalusia, as well as its orderly implementation in the territory, forming a more efficient energy model through the incorporation of elements that allow for "smart" energy management. The policy instrument addressed parts of regional energy strategies and planning of the Regional Government, precisely the Energy Strategy for Andalusia 2020. Actions associated with smart energy grids and improving the quality of energy supply are being financed.
Improvements should be made concerning the development of integrated and complex projects, as the DG Regio "Smart Campus" pj. Currently, the Incentive Programme 2014-2020, managed by the AEA, should include possible other beneficiaries as university campus to receive incentives. Further improvements envisaged include increasing projects concentrated in critical areas as university campuses, technological parks, ports. S3UNICA will include pilot projects and foster conditions for replication and the development of smart grids and increasing quality of supply, identifying new areas of interest in the energy system, improving coordination with the regional energy strategy and Incentive Scheme, specifically in the Smart Grid action line.
More flexible development tools should be applied facilitating monitoring and evaluation bodies and management centres when reorienting the programme.
The policy instrument is the Finnish national operating program of EU structural funds. The ERFD priority 2 aims at the production of new knowledge and knowhow, and also at delivering it to the society. The program is a major tool for the regional advancement of low-carbon society, as well as creation of strutural reform of the local economy, employment and entrepreneurship. The selected policy instrument contains three specific objectives (SO’s) that are interlinked with respect to the topic area of S3UNICA project. These SO’s are:
The transition to low carbon society is a crosscutting theme in the Finnish OP, which strongly supports also regional transition measures. The challenge of SO selection in multi-dimensional topics, such as competence building and integrated projects for improved sustainable real estate management, is both on the MA’s and the project developers side. There is also more room for interregional project intitatives than are being currently utilised. The project is targeting this aspect of the policy instrument through deepening the stakeholder interaction and EU benchmarking of best practices within the topic area covered by S3UNICA.
The document establishes municipality's long-term energy strategy, which is then translated into a set of specific measures to be implemented by the municipality and local stakeholders (including educational community) by 2020.
The overarching aim is the reduction of GHG emissions from the city territory by minimum 20% by 2020 through the reduction of energy consumption and wider use of RES. Key areas of action include "energy efficiency in buildings" and "energy education" and educational community is among the key stakeholders.
Since the plan is periodically evaluated & updated and there is a possibility that the municipality will continue its commitment with the Covenant of Mayors by adopting new, extended Sustainable Climate and Energy Action Plan with extended goals until 2030, some improvements could be suggested, including adoption of new, innovative energy efficiency measures (to contribute to the achievement of ambitious GHG emission reduction targets) and better cooperation with the higher education community - both in the area of testing new solutions (that could be later replicated in other sectors) and in the area of energy education and raising energy awareness.
The activities planned within the project will also support the implementation of current measures foreseen and the achievement of the current, ambitious goals.
Regional Development Plan of Centru Development Region is the main planning and programming document elaborated at Centru Development Region. Its global objective is ”balanced development of Centru Development Region by stimulating knowledge-based economic growth, environmental protection and the sustainable use of natural resources as well strengthening social cohesion”.
The Development Strategy of the Centru Region comprises 6 strategic areas of development, each of them grouping a number of specific priorities and measures:
The Romanian Action Plan aims to create an online support tool for university applicants submitting energy efficiecy projects within ROP 2021-2027
New meeting for the Local Advisory Board in Poland within the framework of the S3UNICA project
The Friuli Venezia Giulia Region successfully concluded its S3UNICA Action Plan
Joint workshop for S3UNICA team with City of Lappeenranta and Green Reality Network
More than 30 people from the Bielsko-Biala City Hall, local university and educational environment, took part in meetings of the Regional Advisory Board.
Great success for the S3UNICA Final Dissemination Event held last 20th April!
An opportunity to discover the results by project partner and to discuss on the future challenges related to energy efficiency of buildings in EU
After many meetings and discussion with experts in public-private partnership, the S3UNICA Guidelines were finally approved by the Expert Working Table.
Project Hub Event provided a platform to voice needs for National Operating Program implementation in South Karelia February 21st 2023
The second meeting of the inter-directional round table of experts in PPP with various public and private actors from RAFVG was held last 25 January.