The Italian partners of S3UNICA are pleased to announce the outcomes of the last Regional Stakeholders Meeting of Phase 1, in preparation for the attainment of the second phase of the project.

The meeting, held on the 1st of July, was attended not only by the Italian partners of S3UNICA but also by several local actors, which are important stakeholders for the realization of the Policy Instrument in the Autonomous Region Friuli-Venezia Giulia. The main goal of the meeting was planning the second phase of the project which is about to begin.

During the RSM, the S3UNICA P2 Università degli Studi di Udine exposed the Action Plan of the project in Friuli-Venezia Giulia. The plan is aimed at implementing instruments to overcome the main limits and bottlenecks of energy efficiency, notably the lack of adequate financial budgets, the bureaucratic burdens and the insufficient use of innovative solutions. For these limits to be faced, it is of outstanding importance that the costs of energy efficiency do not encumber only public administrations. Therefore, new and alternative solutions must be created in order to innovate public procurement and energy policies. Two types of actions have been planned: the establishment of a working group of experts on PPP and PPI with different stakeholders which should prepare a set of guidelines for the creation of public-private partnerships and the individuation of key buildings where taking action for energy efficiency. A clear timeline agenda has been already set for the realization of the activities of Phase 2.

In order to create a working group as much inclusive as possible and representative of the different actors in the region, the partners engage themselves in sending invitations to potential stakeholders to participate and indicate the most appropriate internal contact point for the works of the group.