On 21st November, the two partners of S3UNICA project, Regional Council of South Karelia and Lappeenranta University of Technology LUT had their first stakeholder meeting: it was held at the Regional Council of South Karelia and it involved the managers of large real estate portfolios and representatives of the currently active large, multi-stakeholder projects relevant for S3UNICA.

After a submission of different topics, such as 2020 roadmap for South Karelia, the current activities to support the regional transition to low-carbon economy, the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) method and its relevance to the green campus and low carbon real estate context, all the stakeholders discussed the current status and plans for improving energy efficiency in buildings.


The second meeting is scheduled in May, during which all the stakeholder will:

  • gain a more detailed understanding of currently ongoing projects 
  • apply SRI method to public buildings 
  • develop preliminary project ideas, namely Digital Twin of Buildings and its use in low carbon building management and Solving the challenge of integrating local renewable energy solutions to challenging buildings (with physical, cultural, historical, technical issues).