Last week ended with the First Regional Stakeholders Meeting for Alba Local Energy Agency - ALEA in Alba Iulia: on 22nd January, ALEA organized an event dedicated to stakeholders involved in the S3UNICA project, but it was open to participation for other actors in the field of energy efficiency of public buildings. It drew the attention of 23 stakeholders in the field of energy efficiency of university campuses and public buildings, representatives of the main universities in the Centru Development Region and local and regional public authorities: The University "1 Decembrie 1918" of Alba Iulia, The University "Lucian Blaga" of Sibiu, The University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology "George Emil Palade" of Târgu Mureș, Transylvania University of Brașov but also representatives from the Technical University of Cluj Napoca, the University ”Vasile Alecsandri” of Bacău and Valahia University of Târgoviște, The Regional Development Agency Centru (RDA Centru), Alba County Council, Alba Iulia, Baia Mare and Sebeș Municipalities and so on.

This strong participation is a source of pride, because it provides the high interest in this field: indeed, the workshop represented the opportunity to create the S3UNICA stakeholders network in Romania and one of its objectives was to determine their active involvement in achieving the project main goal, namely the improvement of the regional policy targeted in Romania - the Development Plan of Centru Development Region which is the main planning and programming document elaborated at our regional level. 

After the welcome speech addressed by the representative of Alba Iulia Municipality, the ALEA representative presented the S3UNICA project, underlining its purpose and the proposed methods to reach it at the Centru Development Region level but also at European level within the project partnership. 



During the event:

  • good practice cases related to the increase of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources within the university campuses of Cluj Napoca, Brașov and Târgoviște were presented 
  • the representatives of these universities emphasized the importance of diversifying the funding sources in this area but also of the need of collaboration between universities regarding the development of networks through which universities benefit from mutual support. The need to extend professional development programs in the field of energy management in buildings was also stressed.
  • the representatives of RDA Centru presented the current state of European funding regarding the energy efficiency works of public buildings, also detailing the priority axis for energy efficiency in universities.
  • a local company dedicated to sustainable energy solutions, presented innovative solutions for the use of RES in public buildings and university campuses.


The participants appreciated the initiatives in the field and responded positively to the opportunity for new collaborations within the S3UNICA project, while stressing their availability for real exchanges of experience and innovative technologies to meet the challenges posed in the energy efficiency sector of the university campus buildings.