The S3UNICA online meeting has just ended. In spite of difficulties connected to COVID-19 emergency, all the partners were present: Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia (ITA), University of Udine (ITA), University of Trieste (ITA), Agenția Locală a Energiei Alba (RO), Agencia Andaluza de la Energía (SPA), Universidad de Málaga (SPA), Etelä-Karjalan liitto (FIN), LUT University (FIN), Stowarzyszenie Gmin Polska Sieć „Energie Cités” (POL).

During the meeting, the LP presented the output of the first semester and all the activities done during the 1st semester, namely the Kick Off meeting on last 23rd – 24th October in Trieste, the Steering Group meeting, partners’ Regional Stakeholder Meetings, the elaboration and dissemination of the first newsletter, realization of S3UNICA poster, vision, website and social media channels, reporting activities sent to the First Level Control

Furthermore, partners discussed about the Self-Assessment Tool, elaborated by UniUd and UniTs, in close cooperation with the LP and implemented thanks to all partners’ inputs. Partners have still time to give technical feedback and suggestions. 

All the partners agree to do their best to guarantee the project implementation and to review the project’s main topics according to the new Covid-19 scenarios, for example adding a specific focus on the quality of air in university campuses. This will be also presented and shared with the Interreg Europe JS. 

Next online partner meeting is scheduled in May to discuss about Self-Assessment Tool and to plan next activities.