Last 22nd May, S3UNICA – Smart SpecialiSation UNIvercity CAmpus project partners discussed about the Self-Assessment Tool Guidelines, elaborated by University of Udine and University of Trieste in close cooperation with the LP. The Self Assesment Tool Guidelines are also a results of the former partners' experience in the project Smart Campus funded by the European Commission.

The partners agreed also to schedule the next meeting and Exchange of Experience on 17th June.

Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, the Exchange of Experience that should have taken place in Finland in May, the Regional Council of South Karelia and LUT University will organise a preview of the exchange of experience in an “online version”: all the partners together with their stakeholders will have the opportunity to see online some of the Finnish best practices in the field of Smart Grids and Smart Energy Saving policies. 

The programme will be soon available.