In mid-October, with the replacement of the boiler of the building that houses the Edifice Services and Plant Maintenance Offices, the University of Trieste will complete the transition from the use of fuel oil and diesel oil for heating to the less impactful use of methane gas.
Until 2017, the University joined the SIE 2 Convention (Integrated Energy Service for Public Administrations) which included energy upgrading only for heating and air conditioning for a cost of 1.5 million euros. 

Subsequently, the University joined the SIE 3 Convention which provides for a 20% reduction in electricity consumption and 25% in thermal consumption: in particular, traditional lamps will be replaced with LEDs connected to an attendance detection system that will optimize consumption, as well as the oldest refrigeration units. 

The complete redevelopment of buildings F1 and F2 (Department of Mathematics and Geosciences) in the San Giovanni campus is currently underway and there is a project for the replacement of window frames in buildings C1 (Department of Engineering and Architecture).
In the meantime, the redevelopment (new window frames) of the Building F (Physics Department) is completed.  

It should be remembered that at the end of April 2020 approximately 516 thousand euros were allocated for energy requalification interventions to the structures managed by the Regional Agency for the Right to Higher Education (ARDISS). The intervention involves:

  • the installation of 4 solar panels for Building E1 (House of Student),
  • the construction of a thermal insulation system for Building E3 (ARDISS Conference room),
  • the replacement of the condensing heat generator for Building E4 (ARDISS headquarters)
  • the installation of 6 solar panels and the replacement of two boilers for Palazzo de Bassa (House of Student) in Gorizia.

The savings achievable after the completion of all energy efficiency works is 6.60%.