The SET-UP team met in Leicester (UK) for the second interregional learning event on 4th and 5th October 2016. Many thanks to our partner Leicester Energy Agency for hosting this event!

The SET-UP team met in Leicester (UK) for the second interregional learning event on 4th and 5th October 2016. Many thanks to our partner Leicester Energy Agency for hosting this event!
Supporting businesses and citizens in the energy transition is a key result of this long-lasting, interregional collaboration.
The role of transnational R&I networks to strengthen smart energy
Webinar organised by our Advisory partner Regen and the Policy Learning Platform.
The SET-UP Smart Energy conference has been held in Brussels on 20th of March 2019.
SET-UP partners Regen and Andalusian Energy Agency delivered a presentation on electric vehicles and the electricity system.
Our partner AREAL, from the Algarve region in Portugal, presented SET-UP during this major event about mobility.
SET-UP partners met in Lithuania for their 6th project meeting.
Our partner AREAL attended the National Meeting of Energy and Environment Agencies.
Organised by our Advisory partner Regen, the conference focused on energy transformation.
Our partner TCDA has been invited to introduce SET-UP and the Hungarian Smart Synergy project.