When it comes to sharing good practices on smart grids, there’s nothing better than an interactive, fruitful and cooperative way to do it. This is what SET-UP partners and stakeholders experienced at their 3rd project meeting (Andalusia), when they engaged in a Good Practice Stock Exchange.
It might be useful to remind that the SET-UP project uses interregional exchange to build on regional competencies on smart grids. Thanks to the exchange of experience on the implementation of regional initiatives aimed at supporting the development of smart grids, project partners benefit from this interregional learning process to improve their regional policies.
In line with the project approach, the Good Practice Stock Exchange allowed partners to share their good practices related to the 3 key topics identified at the project level: consumer engagement, funding sources and business models.
The first part of the session was dedicated to a structured exercise that helped them identify their top three needs related to Smart Grids, rank them and share results working in pairs. By identifying their needs, partners focused on the demand side of the market.
Afterwards, they turned their attention to the offer side. Each partner delivered a pitch to present their Good Practices, which were considered to be suitable solutions for the identified needs. Each partner was allocated a budget of SET-UP coins to be invested in the Good Practices. Our advisory partner Regen provided support to partners by helping analyse the proposed solutions.
During the next months, partners will continue sharing experiences and investigating identified good practices, bearing in mind possible means of transferring them into the local context.