The EU-funded Cultural Heritage in Action project, led by Eurocities, has issued a new publication for city experts dealing with cultural heritage on a technical level, Cultural heritage: a powerful catalyst for cities and regions. The publication distills lessons from study visits to cities about how policy is making the most of heritage assets, ready to be adapted and applied by policy makers. The report shows how cities can leverage cultural and cultural heritage policy to mitigate or solve challenges through experimentation and participation.

St. Michael's Fortress is one of the sites examined in the report; it is also the subject of a good practice submitted by our project partner, City of Šibenik.

Among the findings contained in the report are 10 steps to sustainable local cultural heritage policies, grounded in a robust understanding of the local ecosystem, and a section about COVID impacts and strategies.

The editors note that cultural heritage and cultural environments are an essential resource to build identity and a sense of belonging and can serve social cohesion, pride and integration, a topic examined during the workshop SHARE organised for EU Week 2020, in cooperation with the FINCH and INNOCASTLE projects.