This week has seen SHARE in the spotlight, with three pieces of news underscoring its position as an innovative project in the context of this year’s European Year of Cultural Heritage:
First, SHARE has been invited to participate in a Thematic Workshop on Cultural Heritage organised by the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform in Berlin on 20 June.
The European Summit on Cultural Heritage, one of the key events for the EYCH 2018, takes place in Berlin from 18 - 24 June, 2018.
Second, lead partner Chiara Dall’Aglio presented an overview of SHARE at the National Info Day for Interreg Europe’s fourth call, which took place in Assisi on 3 May.
Finally, SHARE's proposal to organize a session entitled Sustainability and Cultural Heritage: is this the only way forward? during the European Week of Regions and Cities (Brussels, 8-11 October 2018) has been approved. One special point of pride is that proposal was one of the top vote-getters in an online consultation, and another is that we envision a TED-style presentation, which represents a real innovation in this setting.