SHARE partner Sviluppumbria examined a regional policy instrument that is deployed in five municipalities.
The northernmost of these, Città di Castello, is a scenic destination in the upper Tiber valley, inhabited since pre-Roman times, with walls and fortifications dating back to the 1500s. Among the cultural heritage treasures found here is the beautiful Renaissance Palazzo Vitelli alla Cannoniera with its richly decorated exterior; today it houses the municipal painting gallery with works by Luca Signorelli, Raphael, Ghirlandaio and other masters. Città di Castello is home to the Burri Foundation which conserves and displays a large collection of works by the 20th century painter and sculptor Alberto Burri, a native son, in several historic buildings.
Nature-lovers can enjoy cycling in the green hills around Città di Castello with itineraries that pass rural cultural heritage sites or pedal to other destinations such as Perugia.
The region’s premier slow-tourism hiking route, the St. Francis Way (Via di Francesco), passes through Città di Castello, as a stop on the northern portion of the Way, which starts in Tuscany and continues to Assisi. The St. Francis Way is a good practice associated with SHARE.

Città di Castello photos from the Umbria Region’s free media gallery, creative commons license.