The Umbria Region presented  ideas and experiences in urban planning at a public event on 18 April entitled L’esperienza dell’Agenda Urbana dell’Umbria. Verso una politica integrata di sviluppo urbano sostenibile  (The experience of the Urban Agenda of Umbria. Towards an integrated policy of sustainable urban development).

The Urban Agenda is the policy instrument considered by project lead partner Sviluppumbria for the region’s LAP.

One element discussed at the event is the L.U.C.E. Pubblica "urban lab" established by Regional decree. The urban lab is intended to implement a new way of thinking and planning, requiring the ability to see and listen, in a logic that puts cooperation among different actors as the tool best suited to facing the challenges that city planners and regional authorities must confront.

At the event, Carlo Cipiciani of the Umbria Region’s general strategic planning service, and referent for the Urban Agenda policy, referred to SHARE in his presentation. He cited the the experiences and exchange of ideas from other regions in Europe, made possible by the project, as positive factors for capacity-building.

Download the presentation (in Italian) here.