Pannon European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation Ltd. has submitted policy suggestions for calls under the Economic Development and Innovation Operative Programme (GINOP) to the Hungarian Ministry of Finance. The recommendations, based on SHARE research results, regard development actions for cultural heritage sites in urban locations and the role such sites and monuments should play in economic development more broadly, including as assets for tourism development. Here is a brief summary of Pannon’s recommendations.

Aim of the call
a) Urban development context: A heritage site development must clarify its role in the city’s sustainable future vision, urban development concept and integrated urban development strategy, and its relationship to other city investments.
b) Tourism context: A common vision and marketing strategy should be developed to promote coherent development, competitiveness of the sector, and cooperation among different actors.
c) Urban-structure and planning context: The structural and urban planning conditions of space-utilization must be established in order to have an economically sustainable cultural / tourism portfolio. 

Possible directions of solutions 
I. On the level of projects:
1.    Establish a “masterplan” which identifies and validates the connections between the call for proposals and the areas. This way, calls issued by the tendering authority are in harmony with the contextual conditions of sustainability, guiding the local actors to implement harmonized, mutually strengthened development packages.
2.    Municipal development strategies should aim to enforce the conditions of sustainability, and to create local-level synergies among different projects.

II. On the level of call for proposals:
A call for proposals can favour those investments which are implemented from other resources but that are well-harmonized with and reinforce the local development documents.

The call for proposals should stipulate planning tools that guarantee the foundations and implementation of sustainability, and require including context-based criteria.
Additional considerations - Technical and professional expectations
Provide support only to investments that are in line with the urban development concept (role of world heritage sites).

The success and sustainability of a cultural site development  can be created. In addition to involving the body managing the heritage, the organization responsible for the sectoral strategy should become part of the process

Applications must be harmonised with the tourism strategy (how the heritage-related development contributes to the tourism sector).

Consider favouring proposals that foster the creation of local synergies, by evaluating the harmony between the urban and the sectoral planning tools.