SHARE partners conducted field surveys in their towns and regions, to learn what brings residents and tourists come to urban centres, and how they and SMEs rate the importance of different factors related to the town's environment and policies. The questionnaires were designed by the University of Greenwich, the project's advisory partner, and customised for each target group.

In each of six EU territories - the regions of Umbria (IT), Extremadura (ES), North-East Romania, the county of Östergötland (SE), and the municipalities of Pécs (HU) and Šibenik (HR) - 1,000 residents, visitors and businesses were surveyed.

For each partner, the data collected provided context and focus for the development of action plans. The findings also contribute valuable insight to the policymakers in each territory. In most cases, scientific surveys of visitors, residents and entrepreneurs have not been carried out in decades, if ever.

To see what respondents had to say, download the presentation of survey findings.