The North-East Region Development Agency has organised a conference entitled Regional Cultural Heritage, an opportunity for sustainable economic development, bringing together regional stakeholders from the tourism sector and experts presenting international good practices. The event will be held at the Palace of Culture in Iași on 12 December. Sviluppumbria will take part, speaking about tourism promotion based on tangible and intangible cultural heritage in Umbria.

The sustainable management of cultural heritage for tourism is one of the key elements of SHARE, and the LAP for the North East Region and its main municipalities includes specific measures to improve the tourism experience and offer. The restoration and re-entry into the tourism circuit of numerous symbols of an impressive regional heritage - from monasteries and churches, to museums or monuments of traditional architecture, represents a huge opportunity for the tourism industry in the North-East Region of Romania.

The good practices associated with SHARE, including the city of Iași's thematic routes, provide ideas and inspiration to regions and others designing policy to manage cultural heritage and promote tourism and economic development.