the Federation of Towns and Provinces of Andalusia (FAMP) we continue to include, within our yearly on-going training programme, courses on energy management addressed to officials and technicians from local administrations.

We are presently delivering the course Skill-building for energy managers in local administrations, where we cover the most relevant aspects of energy management. It aims to improve local energy planning through the training of technical personnel from local administrations as energy managers. Its objectives are to solve the lack of specific training in energy planning and management, to make visible funding opportunities and instruments, especially in collaboration with the private sector, and to develop tools and skills that facilitate decision making and implementation of pilot actions.

This course continues to implement our second Pilot Action “50 Low-carbon emission municipalities in Andalusia”. It builds up on the two training sessions which were delivered during our last year’s programme.

The 25-hour course is delivered online, from November 30th to December 12th 2020. This format makes it possible for us to continue our training activities in full observance of the sanitary prescriptions due to the COVID19 and to improve its reach. Its five modules deal with (1) the regulatory framework, the European Covenant of Mayors, and the covenants of mayors for sustainable energy; (2) funding tools in the energy sector, both private and public, at different territorial levels; (3) monitoring tools and database use for energy planning; (4) available measures for improving energy efficiency, reducing consumption and producing energy; and (5) best practice experiences in improving energy efficiency in public buildings.

Seventy-three applicants were admitted in this new course, and in the midst of its delivery we have 62 confirmed attendees. More information can be found on FAMP’s website, through the following links (in Spanish):