Here in Seville time passes productively between a conference and a workshop. Our third working day is over and we are ready to face the last day of the Interregional Seminar.
Today we have focused our attention on the Esco model of financing. We met the General Secretary of Economic Affairs, Regional Minestry of Economy and Knowledge of the Junta de Andalucia, mr. Gaspar Llanes Diaz Salazar, who believes in the importance of FESR for the economic growth of his Country and in the crucial role of the cooperation between institutions.
After Mr. Gaspar Llanes Diaz Salazar speech, an overview of Enerj project has done by FAMP.
In the second part of the morning , focused groups have worked on the model of stimulating energy efficiency agenda and possibilities of cross border networking (Super ESCO) and on the financing model or energy efficiency.
Herewith you can find the photos of the 3rd working day and the program of the 4th and last day
- Photos