7th SIG meeting in Latvia held.
On the agenda: exchange of experience and discussions about the action plan
On 22nd and 23rd of March 2018, the SWARE Stakeholder and Institutional Learning Group (SIG) Meeting was held in Latvia. It was the 7th SIG meeting organized within the project with an aim to visit the neighbouring regions and to learn more about their experience in implementing projects under the policy instrument targeted by the SWARE project.
The targeted policy instrument – National Operational Programme "Growth and employment" and it's measure 5.5.1. that aims “to preserve, protect and develop the important cultural and natural heritage, as well as the development of related services" – supports partnership projects encouraging collaboration between tourism destinations. The visited objects acknowledged that implementing a project in cooperation with other cities or regional communities and trying to jointly increase the tourist arrivals is a new and a quite challenging experience. The 2-day visit gave opportunity to exchange practical advice on project implementation and to share interesting ideas on innovative and interactive solutions for museum exhibitions and activities in cultural heritage objects.
During the visit also a meeting was held with the stakeholders to discuss the ongoing elaboration of the action plan and to hear their opinions. Together we are trying to find answers to the questions: How to achieve integrative and unified management of cultural and natural heritage? How to collaborate in this process?
Until September 2018 each partner region will develop a Regional Action Plan addressing the improvement of policy instruments related to natural and cultural heritage management along inland waterways.
The SWARE project is implemented with the support of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the INTERREG Europe Programme 2014–2020. This publication reflects the author’s views only and the INTERREG Europe programme authorities are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.