About 30 stakeholders were welcome by the director of Pons Danubii EGTC Zoltan Bara and mayor of Komarno (one of PD EGTC member towns) Laszlo Studenbek. Z. Bara introduced the Interreg Europe programme and the SWARE project - the stakeholders were informed about the project aim, planned activities, estimated results and the importance of their involvement. L. Studenbek emphasized that the SWARE project can be a great chance to get new ideas and based on these ideas implement projects related to tourism and culture.

Project manager Zsofia Domany introduced the methodology used in SWARE and spoke about the main strategic documents, focusing on the State of the Art. After that stakeholders introduced themselves and spoke about their projects and achievements related to the topic, their opinion of the cross-border region and future plans.

Stakeholders were also informed about further activities - first of all, elaboration of project document State of the Art and questionnaire related to the strenghts and weakness of the region and good practices of the project topic.