As Part of the Symbi project, each partner organizes several meetings with their regional stakeholders. On September 29th the Chamber of Commerce of Molise organized their third stakeholder meeting. This meeting was aimed on “PPP - Public Private Partnership”, as a booster of the use and diffusion of Circular Economy and Industrial Symbiosis.

The meeting was particularly interesting thanks to the high level of Stakeholders participation. In fact it was attended by the National Authority DIPE in charge of the PPP Policy, by the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), by the biggest private regional players in the field of Circular economy, such as Giuliani Environment and Smaltimenti Sud, and also by the Molise Region and other very active stakeholders.

A good sign of interest in the project activities was the fact that all the stakeholder took part in the discussion presenting their ideas, needs and suggestions.

Agenda of the meeting:

The Private Public Partnership as a potential stimulus and diffusion tool of the Circular Economy and Industrial Symbiosis Processes.

 Dr. Marco Tranquilli, DIPE - Department for Programming and Coordination of Economic Policy of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Italian Government:

"PPP: legislation, methodology, good practice";

 Dr. Giuliana Ansanelli, ENEA: "The experience of Enea on industrial Symbiosis:

the project "Eco-Innovation Sicily";

 Dr. Vittorio Nola, Venafro Lands Reclamation Interregional Consortium:

"First projects and first regional experience";

 Dr. Alberto Di Ludovico, MOLISE REGION: "The Regional Policy, Tools and Opportunities of the ERDF Molise 2014-2020".

The most interesting conclusions of the stakeholder meeting:

• The meeting participants accentuated the importance of regional meetings/discussions which focus on the effectiveness of the actual policies and the discussion how to improve them.

• All the Stakeholders highlighted the importance to have a regional tool for exchange of experiences and best practice. They are ready to take a stake in the future actions of the Symbi project for the creation a regional system for sharing experiences.

• Furthermore the Stakeholders emphasized also the importance to have a platform for exchange of products based on the model of the Enea Project "Eco-Innovation Sicily", in order to match request and offers of waste and by-products.

• The companies participating at the meeting also highlighted the fact that in the Regional ERDF there are not financial measures related to Circular Economy and Industrial Symbiosis.

• The Stakeholders Giuliani Environment and Smaltimenti Sud emphasized all the possibility of Symbiosis Process related to household food waste(Humid). In fact the re-use of those kind of waste could generate an high income annually for municipalities and investors by collecting household food waste in the whole Molise Region area separately and processing it in line with circular principles to generate biogas and return nutrients to agricultural soils. If all municipalities in the region matched the best recycling municipality high rates (such as Montagano municipality, which has a recycling rate of 80%) of separate collection of household food waste for biogas and compost production, the resulting income stream would give to those towns and cities a new source of revenue.

• All the stakeholder were very interested into PPP procedure activation supported by DIPE(The Department for Programming and Coordination of Economic Policy of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers). In fact STKs asked for a concrete line of action in order to activate a joint initiative of PPP in the field of Circular Economy. The link between local Stakeholders and DIPE was created and communication on the correct procedure to activate the initiative will follow in the next month.