The Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, slovenian SYMBI project partner, organised a conference “Circular economy and industrial symbiosis: drivers, enablers and challenges” and a study visit on 21 and 22 November in Ljubljana, to bring together partners from Spain, Poland, Hungary, Italy, Finland and Greece and their stakeholder to discuss and share views on the challenge of closing the gap between the markets for primary and secondary raw materials and on the use of financial instruments to support industrial symbiosis projects, and to disseminate good practice.
SYMBI project (Industrial SYMBIosis for Regional Sustainable Growth and a Resource Efficient Circular Economy) is implemented under the Interreg Europe Programme. It contributes to improve the implementation of regional development policies and programmes related to the promotion and dissemination of industrial symbiosis and circular economy in seven project participating regions.
The video provides brief information on SYMBI project activities, expert views on industrial symbiosis and circular economy and good practices of industrial symbiosis in Slovenia.