CirClean consultation questionnaire

CirClean project, supported by DG Grow has the following aims: 

1. Development and formal adoption of a voluntary common approach to the reporting of IS transactions and promotion of this approach by industrial and other actors involved in IS across the EU
2. Creation of a European network (branded as “CirClean”) of players that are either directly involved in or interested in promoting IS practices and who endorse the voluntary approach to IS reporting developed under this project.  

The CirClean network,  is intended to function as a European industry-led and operated network of stakeholders that will act as coordinating body for promoting a common approach to industrial symbiosis reporting including development of a methodology for the reporting, reporting protocol and label for businesses engaging and reporting on IS transactions, development of an online tool for reporting on IS transactions. This consultation is to hear your views on and interest in the network and in the planned activities. 

If you are interested in taking part in the public consultation, just click on