SYMBI project has been nominated for RegioStars Award 2020 in the category Sustainable growt:
Circular economy for a green Europe.

The REGIOSTARS Awards are a yearly competition, organised by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy. It aims at identifying good practices in regional development and highlighting innovative, EU-funded projects, which could be attractive and inspiring to other regions and project managers.

SYMBI is an Interreg Europe project aimed at improving the implementation of regional policies related to the promotion of Industrial Symbiosis and Circular Economy from 8 regions. Through interregional cooperation activities based on exchange of experience among regional authorities, partners have already improved policy instruments to develop supporting tools for Industrial Symbiosis focussed on align regional policies with the EU Circular Economy strategy to transform Europe into a more resource-efficient economy.

You can give your vote in the following link:

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