The 2nd TRINNO LSG meeting organised by County Government of Csongrád and ELI-HU Nonprofit Ltd. took place in Szeged, at Bistorant restaurant on 20 February 2017, in the frames of a business lunch. 

Csaba Vadász, Head of the Office of Csongrád County, greeted the participants, as a substitute for Béla Kakas, the president of Csongrád County. Zoltán Gyarmati (manager, Office of Employment Cooperations, Csongrád County) presented the current status of TRINNO project. In the course of his talk, he spoke about the two interregional learning events that were organised in Barcelona and Galway, as well as positive experience, examples and results.

The next speaker was Dr. Péter Mogyorósi, (regional director, Hungarian Association for Innovation) who demonstrated the best practices that were presented in Galway from an entrepreneurial aspect and reported his experience, and the examples that he found to be important, worthy to follow and the possibly existing deficiencies. It was followed by the report of Norbert Bodor (Ministry for National Economy, Hungary) about the same topic but from a governmental aspect. A free discussion followed the three reports, when participants commented them and shared their own experience and suggestions regarding possible changes and areas for improvement.

Then Petra Szűcs, intern (ELI-HU Nonprofit Ltd.) presented the prior results of the online questionnaire about the essential element of a business support ecosystem, and the further duties in connection with it. Afterwards, there was another short discussion when more participants expressed recommendations regarding the analysis of the questionnaire.

The importance of LSG meetings and a participative opportunity at the next international partner meeting - that will take place in April in Italy - were stated.

Zoltán Gyarmati held the closing speech; he thanked the participation to everyone, summarised the meeting and presented the further tasks.