On 18th January 2017, Hungarian IS Local Lab members came together in Budapest to discuss the good practices recognized in Hungary that will be promoted during the 2nd interregional workshop in Vaxjö, Sweden among all the project partners and stakeholders.
The two Hungarian project partners (IFKA Nonprofit Ltd. and Herman Otto Institute) identified 8 local practices, including, Rubber modified Bitumen (MOL), brewery’s by-products closed loop (2 Hungarian breweries of Heineken group), industrial symbiosis online application for C&D waste exchange (Clean-Way Ltd.), etc.
The 17 present members of the IS Local Lab voted “yes” for 5 good practices to be presented in the interregional meeting (24-26th, January, Vaxjö), and required further, thorough information regarding a good practice on products made of waste of plastic recycling (Holofon).