Hungarian IS Local Lab held its meeting on 8th March 2017 in Budapest. The members of the Local Lab were informed about the interregional workshop and study visit in Vaxjö, January 2017 and about upcoming events of the project, such as peer reviews and staff exchange programmes.
During the meeting there were insightful discussions and an interest was shown in the Vaxjö waste-chain study visit and the carbon-neutral city system elements. The reuse-repair focus emigrant-integration and business incubation center “Macken” business model served as a starting point of different business models combining social and business impact and objectives.
A newly identified industrial symbiosis good practice was presented by the representatives of Merzedes-Benz Manufacturing Ltd. and Saubermacher-Hungary Ltd. The final result of the good practice allows a 2500 tonnes/year saving on raw material mining, and the same amount of waste generation is avoided.
The members of the Local lab are willing to deliver traditional industrial symbiosis workshops for Hungarian SMEs in various industrial sectors.