On 12 June 2021 a pop-up container appeared on one of the main squares in Maribor to collect different type of waste and items for reuse brought by people living in the pedestrian zone of the city. This action is one of the two included in Maribor's Action Plan, inspired by the Good Practice developed in Antwerp.


People living this area are less mobile since there is no access for vehicles. The pop-up container spared them the way to the civic amenity site. People could bring waste by foot or bicycle and were allowed dispose up to a maximum of 2 m3. Around 50 persons visited the pop-up container, what a success!

Only specific fractions could be disposed of at the stati

  • small bulky waste,
  • waste of electrical in electronic equipment,
  • textiles and
  • books and magazines.

In addition, SNAGA organized reuse as part of the event and encouraged people to donate or exchange items on the station. The fractions for the reuse were the same as waste fractions.

Each customer that came to the container was identified with an ID card and invoice from Snaga. A hand-held reader scanned the QR code from the invoice – QR code contains a unique key – for the system to find the right user. Then the user was linked to the location of the pop-up container, the type of waste brought or the type of item brought for reuse and the weight of the disposed material. In the case of apartment buildings, when the user cannot be identified via a unique key, manual data entry was required.

This was the first event of the pop-up container in Maribor and Snaga hope that there will be many more.