The Greenway combines the enhancement of urban green, river banks and landscapes with creating a network of paths connecting municipalities in Umbria.
The project concerns the valley crossed by the Tessino and Marroggia streams, which leads the Spoleto section of the cycle track Spoleto-Assisi, from S. Nicolò to the bridge of Azzano. The cycle path, almost flat, extends for about 50 km following the banks of the Marroggia, Teverone, Timia and Topino rivers, connecting the territories of the municipalities of Spoleto, Trevi, Campello, Montefalco, Foligno, Bevagna, Cannara and Assisi.
Along the waterways, ensured the hydraulic safety, the tree species typical of these places have returned to their habitat, even with the planting of an educational orchard, planted with species in genetic erosion. All as an extensive open-air laboratory of great ecological quality provide by information, dissemination and environmental education activities.
The project aims to harmonize and integrate the conservation of the naturalistic heritage with the river and landscape redevelopment. Furthermore the project aims both to restore, to the citizens, degraded and vacant spaces , and to re-evaluate and rediscover the two streams as valuable areas. Taking advantage of the already existing cycle and pedestrian paths as an infrastructure for the physical connection, the project aims to network the environmental attractions of the Spoleto area in order to create a system for enhancing the natural heritage of the municipal area, as a constitutive and functional component of the regional tourism product.

Resources needed

Project funded by call of proposal of “Perugia-Assisi” as the European Capital of Culture 2019 ”.
Regional funding € 260,000
Human resources: technicians of Urban Center of Municipality,of Spoleto Consorzio di Bonificazione Umbra, co-ordinated by Umbria Region.

Evidence of success

Through funding for Natura 2000 areas, as part of the POR FESR 2007-2013 it was possible to create pedestrian paths, cycle path sections, information and signage totems, the planting of new trees and the production of communication materials. Furthermore, it was possible to develop an appreciated participatory process, characterized by events, inspections, and participatory planning.

Difficulties encountered

The critical elements are the expensiveness of the interventions to be activated for the maintenance of the spaces.
The positive was the opportunity to implement a policy of sharing and participation between local authorities, actors and citizens, strengthening the network between municipalities.

Potential for learning or transfer

The design and management methodology of the project can be replicated to:
- support degraded areas through policies for the enhancement of natural areas.
- restore and to enhance complex places through elements representative of biodiversity.
- sensitize civil society through participation and awareness by offering the possibility of regaining possession of parts of the territory.
- integrate community, regional and municipal funding.
- design through an economic management of spaces able to maintain the state of quality and functionality after conclusion of the works;
- strengthen networking functions between the territories.

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Main institution
Comune di Spoleto (PG) - The Environment Department
Umbria, Italy (Italia)
Start Date
January 2010
End Date
December 2014


Christian Gruessen Please login to contact the author.