LEBONPICNIC is an online marketplace connecting cycle tourists to local artisan food makers. Customers order their picnic and pick up their order the next day.
Cyclists and cycle tourists require good food options that are not always available when cycling. With a picnic they can enjoy the freedom of eating outside without having to worry about restaurant opening hours, locking bikes, etc.
LEBONPICNIC is an online marketplace where customers can order locally made “click and collect” picnics, with the following advantages:
- It supports local SMEs and food traditions: The picnics are made by artisan food makers including personal and traditional recipes, using fresh, seasonal and local products.
- It is sustainable: principles such as regional food consumption, short supply chains, made to order food (to avoid food wastage) and eco-friendly packaging are integrated.
- It is healthy and affordable: The initiative ensures high-quality food consumption by supporting traditional French food excellence. Picnics cost €11-€16 on average.
The growing initiative comprises 34 food makers, including restaurants, butchers, bakeries and delicacy stores. Customers can order until 6 pm and pick up their picnic at the shop or restaurant on the day of their choice, starting the next day.
The initiative receives support from many partners, including the Regional Councils of Pays de la Loire and Brittany, chambers of trades and crafts, and tourist offices and associations. LEBONPICNIC won the “Palmes du Tourisme Durable” sustainable tourism award in December 2018 in the Start-up category for its innovation, sustainability and potential to scale

Resources needed

LEBONPICNIC is based on partnerships with destinations and local communities to implement the service, membership fees and commissions on transactions. The start-up also sells its own eco-friendly packaging. LEBONPICNIC is currently seeking investment (€200,000) to develop and scale the service.

Evidence of success

LEBONPICNIC was established in 2016 with 15 artisan food makers and 600 picnics ordered. Since then membership has grown to cover over 8 destinations or cycling routes, 5 of which were created in partnership with local government or tourism organisations. Online payment was introduced in July 2018, catering to 1500 clients in 2019, 25% returning to order again. Members are encouraged to reference local products; use sustainable packaging options and receive help promoting their business online.

Difficulties encountered

LEBONPICNIC provides shared marketing tools and business services, aiming to allow SMEs to compete with corporations. Often, however, independent family businesses are not online and invest close to zero in marketing. It is also often difficult to find qualified food makers near to cycling routes.

Potential for learning or transfer

Key factors of success include working in close cooperation with local tourism, agriculture and food business, creating products which cater to locals enjoying an excursion and learning to serve larger groups and events to make the service economically viable and thus available to individuals passing through. LEBONPICNIC is currently developing new picnic destinations in collaboration with La Baie de Saint-Brieuc - Paimpol – Les Caps in Brittany, la Haute Vallée de Chevreuse (National Regional Parc) near Paris and the Pyrénées Atlantiques Department. LEBONPICNIC provides expertise in enhancing and promoting local food culture through working with traditional artisan shops. The go-to-market solution can then be tailored to meet the needs of the destination and the local community.

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Main institution
Pays de la Loire,
Start Date
June 2016
End Date


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