IoT & Blockchain lab is an ecosystem in which companies, professionals and ITAINNOVA cooperate to create new products and services based on these technologies.
IoT & Blockchain laboratory is an initiative set-up by ITAINNOVA, in which all relevant actors for the digitalization and increase of competitivenes of SMEs in Aragón can work together, under the orchestration of ITAINNOVA . Specific objectives are:
•To provide a space for training, demonstration and learning. A forum for technological debate and collaborative development of digital solutions.
•To innovate, from the identification of needs and opportunities, to the creative generation of solutions based on IoT, Blockchain and Data Analytics technologies, following the methodology of Design Thinking.
• To create value in a sustained manner in companies by the use of these disruptive technologies.
•To boost success of small companies in Aragón in H2020 and EU competitive programs.
The initial focus (and the one that mostly provide projects to the lab) is logistics and transport sector in general. In particular, logistics and transport companies can learn and experience how technology can help make their processes more sustainable and efficient. They can see demonstrators of cargo traceability systems, blockchain solutions to create secure transactions between different companies or digital twin models where they can experiment with intermodal collaborative transport models.

Resources needed

2018: Adaptation of the building which owner is ITAINNOVA, and acquisition of equipment and assets (licences, so on):32.154,08€.
2019: Adquisition of new equipment 17.845,25€.
Funded by ERDF, Programa Operativo FEDER ARAGON 2014-2020 and Aragón Regional Government
2020: Estimated costs. 78.000€.

Evidence of success

During the year 2019 more than 50 companies, entrepreneurs and institutions visited the lab, with a total impact of more than 450 people.
The activities carried out can be grouped in three categories :
Training and inspiration : Meetups and technological trainings. Inspiration sessions for companies.
Projects carried out with companies to develop innovative products and services.
Demonstrations : POP-UPs ARENA, demos of applications.

Difficulties encountered

Continous updating of equipment/assets to allow the research activity. In 2019, the lab expanded its "demo corners", spaces that emulate real industrial, logistics and transport scenarios, the infrastructure to perform real-time data analysis and develop digital twins of industrial processes

Potential for learning or transfer

ITAINNOVA works with around 1.000 companies every year, most of them SMEs, not only at a regional but also at a national level. ITAINNOVA is a member of ALASTRIA, main spanish network for the development of digital soluctions based on DLT (Blockchain)

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Main institution
Regional Government of Aragón
Aragón, Spain (España)
Start Date
November 2018
End Date


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