A project to redevelop the marginal areas of Trentino by providing a bottom-up territorial strategy.
The purpose of the Strategy for internal area is to counter the phenomenon of depopulation of marginal territories that are less attractive from an economic and service point of view (health, education, welfare, etc.).
The Tesino internal areas strategy compared to the National one is based on a bottom-up methodology which involves the autonomous Province of Trento, the interested municipalities of the area (Castello Tesino, Cinte Tesino, Pieve Tesino) economic categories and citizens.
The strategy through the involvement of social parties has the double aim of:
- adapting the quantity and quality of education, communication, health, mobility and infrastructure services;
- promoting development projects that enhance the natural and cultural heritage of these areas.
The beneficiary of the strategy is all the community of the internal area of Tesino, included young people, adults and the elderly and also socio economical activities.
The strategy includes a package of actions to be implemented that concern different areas of intervention such as the creation of cycle paths, telemedicine, language courses for young people, the modernization of the network with the installation of optical fiber and numerous initiatives in support of business and agriculture.

Resources needed

-The financial resources on which the Development project is based are:
-Public financing (2014 Stability Law) = € 3,740,000;
-Total public / private financing estimated with the ESI funds = € 7,233,314.

Evidence of success

The project has a high degree of success thanks to the involvement of citizens and local economic and social categories. The Strategy is the result of shared objectives and methods. The timeframe of the evaluation is set to a medium-long term scenario essential for achieving the objective. The high number of actions carried out in the areas of health, agriculture and modernization of infrastructures testify the success of the strategy.

Difficulties encountered

An initial problem was the dialogue between the various municipalities involved. In fact, the strategy has a supra municipal dimension. As a consequence no budgetary issues may arise since it
is forecasted to be distributed in services and infrastructure for the whole community. This constraint had

Potential for learning or transfer

The strategy has a high level of transferability to other territories with similar socio demographic characteristics, territories with delay in productive development or lack in reconversion or implementation of basic services are most adequate for a full transferability of the practice .
For the effectiveness of the strategy, it is necessary that the management of the process be entrusted to qualified personnel (not political personnel) who, however, must not take the place of stakeholders and the local community in defining the needs and proposals for solving problems. In this process it is vital to inform and involve the population in various meetings. Furthermore, there must be a gradual approach in defining the proposals and involving local actors regarding their progress in the light of feasibility checks carried out by the project coordinators. Furthermore, it is essential that there is the administrative legal support of a public body / institution because generally the local

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Main institution
Trento County
Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Italy (Italia)
Start Date
December 2018
End Date
December 2021


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