The "Behring route" (an interactive, natural-scientific city experience walk) follows the path of the first Nobel Prize winner Emil von Behring in the universit
First Nobel Prize winner in medicine, company founder, honorary citizen – the importance of Emil von Behring for the university city of Marburg is beyond question. The interaction of a natural-scientific city experience walk, personal information and a partial nature experience at Behring's former residential and working sites complement and enrich each other on the way along the Behring Route, which runs through twelve stations in Marburg.
This trail combines a scientific walking experience with historical sites. The route pursues the goal of consistently forming a compositional unit according to the principles of descriptive knowledge transfer, bilingualism (English text on the individual stations), content-wise digital recognition using a QR code and three-dimensional implementation of individual contents. Each of the twelve stations displays the overall trail, but is focused on a specific key message.
The main stakeholders and beneficiaries of the practice are respectively the administrative authority and the tourist visitors.

Resources needed

100 % financed by public funds: implementation of the route 30,000 € (including graphic fee for scientific cooperation), brochures about 5,000 € (approval costs etc. are omitted, as those are municipal services), Behring Route is a "communal facility" thus maintained by the city of Marburg.

Evidence of success

The success is difficult to measure, as it is mainly a self-guided city walk. Nevertheless it is reported that there are regular mainly smaller groups on the route.
There are about 10 guided tours of the city´s tourism organisation “Marburg Stadt und Land Tourismus” a year; but since it is a route that is quite self-explanatory, there are many more people on the road which are not "countable".

Difficulties encountered

The steles of Behring route are embedded approx. 80 cm into the ground. Not all of the cable plans (electricity, water pipes etc) were always up to date - it was necessary to be careful with the excavation. But every planned location was done. Permissions had to be obtained and filed in beforehand.

Potential for learning or transfer

The walking trail, facilitated by bus transport services, combines cultural, scientific and economic information about the life and work of Emil Behring. In addition, Behring is represented as a private person and Marburger citizen. The trail is accessible to everyone, but guided tours can also be booked. It is a very good example of how a city can profit from one of its scientists and marked itself as a city of science.
An urban trail focused on the personality of an internationally-relevant scientist, leading to an exploration of the industrial heritage in town as well. An innovative combination of a permanently available information offer with German and English texts, which can be booked as a city tour.
The route is a very good example of how a city can sustain its strengths in the cityscape in the long term and in a way that cannot be overlooked.

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Main institution
Fachdienst Kultur der Universitätsstadt Marburg (Department of Culture of the City of Marburg)
Gießen, Germany (Deutschland)
Start Date
January 2013
End Date


Manuel Heinrich Please login to contact the author.

Good Practices being followed by

Manuel Heinrich

Regionalmanagement Mittelhessen GmbH