Creating and consulting cultural and creative industries professionals associations at a regional level to improve the policy making process.
In France, at the national level, film, most of audiovisual and video game professionals are grouped into professional associations representing the interests of specific groups of professionals (e.g. association of production managers, association of set designers, the national video game union and many others).
Such representation rarely exists at the regional level and discussions between public bodies and professionals are more often bilateral than collective.
In order to facilitate consultations with audiovisual and gaming professionals in the Hauts-de-France region, film fund Pictanovo encouraged them to group together into associations by sector of activity and have their representatives be members of the Board of Directors. In doing so, Pictanovo ensures continuing dialogue and makes sure all voices are heard in the desicion and policy making processes.
The Hauts-de-France region is home to the following associations:
ASPAN (documentary producers), CAP (a collective of producers associations), SAFIR (authors and directors), ATOCAN (Film technicians), NORANIM (animation sector), GAME IN (video game sector), MINE (composers and music publishers).

Resources needed

A solid team and a responsive ecosystem

Evidence of success

Besides the fact that the relationships with industry professionals have significantly improved since the creation of these associations, the consultations resulted in the implementation of successful training courses including programmes for script development for cinema, TV or streaming platforms with the film professional network association Rhizom, animated film writing with Noranim, dubbing professionals.
These on-going discussions also helped shape new funding mechanisms (Video Game fund)

Potential for learning or transfer

This multi-sectoral professional representation within regional institutions is not common. It allows for a regional agency to identify and actively collaborate with strategic and fast-developing organizations (including schools / production companies / service providers).
This type of consultation and organization is completely transferable elsewhere. It requires a strong will from the entire ecosystem to come together and structure itself.
It's not every day easy, but it will be up to you to set common goals. This organization will allow the cultural and creative industries, very diverse, a better understanding of the issues of each other. This gives rise to common projects and a common ambition linked to a territory.

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Main institution
Nord - Pas-de-Calais, France
Start Date
January 2010
End Date


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Good Practices being followed by

Eliana Raytcheva

Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency